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MUT,Meta Universe Global Digital Currency Trading Platform

发布时间:2021/12/22 区块链 浏览:323

2021 can be called the first year of the meta-universe, and many meta-universe projects were born in various corners of the world. 2022 is bound to be the year of the outbreak of the meta universe, as evidenced by the entry of the world’s top companies.



Meta universe global digital currency trading platform, referred to as MUT, is a decentralized meta universe comprehensive trading platform that provides currency trading, futures contracts, coin raising, over-the-counter trading, and network-wide trading Diversified system functions such as decentralized transactions, high-performance support, ultimate experience, security mechanism, sufficient liquidity and other system features, can meet the transaction needs of various users around the world.

MUT will be used as the medium of exchange in the meta-universe, leading people to explore and understand the world about the meta-universe. MUT will be used as the entrance to various fields of the Meta Universe Global Digital Currency Trading Platform ecology for access to games, virtual concerts and clubs, and media , Entertainment, education, travel in the meta-universe, investing in virtual real estate, mining materials in games, paying other players for services, social experiences and programs, and any other things that can be used in the physical world. MUT acts on the virtual world . All in all, it is the digital currency of the virtual world.

Meta Universe Token (MUT), the base currency of the Meta Universe Global Digital Currency Trading Platform native platform, has a total circulation of 200 million. It is based on encrypted digital assets generated on the Ethereum chain and cannot be issued. The MUT platform will also set up a professional research team, adhering to the concept of open cooperation, focusing on selecting high-quality blockchain digital assets around the world, and investigating and screening for listing.



The value proposition of Meta Universe Global Digital Currency Trading Platform for application developers is that they can obtain all the benefits generated by the economic interaction between their applications and users. In the future, the popularization of Metaverse will accelerate the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and the technological value of the blockchain will gradually appear in this process. The MUT platform can transform its own advantages into the driving force for the advancement of the metaverse field. By combining cryptocurrency and Metaverse, it creates a decentralized virtual world with a complete economic system and always runs uninterrupted, realizing “decentralization” The balance of “safety, safety and efficiency” empowers the digital development of the industry.

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